NASA’s New Found Planets 2017

Okay so the new planets are roughly 39 light years away. How far is this? Well, its basically stating it would take 39 years to reach the planets traveling at the speed of light. That’s 300,000 km per second. I wonder when they would have to start pumping the...
Open NAT

Open NAT

There are two possible reasons you’re reading this right now. 1- You see that you have a strict NAT on your Xbox or other gaming device or you have noticed you can’t join friends games because you have a strict NAT setting that refuses to connect. Either...
Open NAT


 By The Byte has just been awarded the privilege of being a Emsisoft License Re-seller! (Enter applause here). Emsisoft is one of the highest rated Anti-Malware/Anti-Virus solution for windows based PC’s. It’s designed to be light and fast and works...
Open NAT

Search By Image

Did you know that you can search google with a picture?  Having trouble identifying a bug or item in question? Well let me introduce you to “Google Image Search”. Just go to and click the camera. From there you can drag and drop...
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