Pokemon Go Dangers

We could list many dangerous scenario’s by playing this game out on the open streets, but one seems to stand out more than most. I’m sure we’re not the fist to think of this but now you have the ability to lure others to your business, home or a dark...
Windows 10 Reset

Windows 10 Reset

So many times I’ve seen on facebook and other social media platforms a cry for help for computers running slow or filled with so much malware that the computer is useless to the end user. Everyone wants to know who has the best prices in town and who is the most...
Windows 10 Reset

Phishing Scams On Facebook

A concerned client contacted us about a private message they had received on Facebook. It said: “Dear Customer, Your page will be Disabled! Please re-confirm your account to avoid blocking. It is caused someone has reported you that there were irregularities of...

Laptop Hardware Repairs

By The Byte is very excited about our new offerings and just couldn’t wait to share them with you. We now fix broken laptop hardware! So what does this mean for you? No longer do you need to replace a motherboard because your DC jack is loose or not working, or...
Windows 10 Reset

Windows Edge Import Bookmarks

Maybe I’m a little behind the eight ball with this one, but when Microsoft made “Windows Edge” the new browser for “Windows 10” their new operating system, you would think they would allow you to import your bookmarks the same way you...
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