Internet Speed, Is Faster Better? Am I Paying Too Much? I know what a lot of you are thinking. Faster service is better service! For the most part you’re correct. But maybe for the wrong reasons. When choosing your speed with your provider, take into...
FBI is warning the general public to reboot their router on a consistent basis due to a malware that can infect your router. Guess what? It’s true! Recent anti malware sleuths have uncovered a malware that is infecting your business or home router. It gains...
I can sit here in this local business and type out all the reasons why clients should not connect to free WiFi services but I’m not here for that today. This time I want to focus on the businesses that offer free WiFi to their clients. It’s almost...
Did you know that all electronics have an EOL date? What is EOL you ask? Simply put it stands for End Of Life and its not talking about becoming outdated. It means the electronics contained within it have a certain life expectancy. For example, spinning disk hard...
By The Byte is very excited about our new offerings and just couldn’t wait to share them with you. We now fix broken laptop hardware! So what does this mean for you? No longer do you need to replace a motherboard because your DC jack is loose or not working, or...
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